First ImPRessions

By Julia Sylvain

With sweaty palms, shaking, your throat gets dry as you approach the door. No, you are not sick, just extremely nervous as you are about to be interviewed for your dream job. 

What if they don’t like me? What if I am unprepared? How do I stand out? 

These are questions that may run through your head as you try to make a great first impression.

First impressions are important, especially in the world of PR. After all, if you don’t come off as professional to a boss or company, how can you do that for a client? Public relations highly involves how we portray our clients, and just as importantly, ourselves. In speech and writing, we need the skills to make ourselves clear, and the interview is the first way to prove you can do just that. While most interviews have moved to Zoom during the past year, here are some general tips as to how to make the best imPRession. 

Do your research on the company. 

The best way to be prepared is by doing research. By knowing the initiatives, values and hopes of the company, you can discuss how you align and prove you would be a good candidate. Begin on the company’s website, and write down what you don’t understand or are curious about so that you can...

Ask questions.

Have questions ready that show you know what the company does and how it functions. If you are extremely nervous, asking questions also gives you a moment to breathe as the attention turns to the interviewer. Questions also provide you with the chance to confirm that the company aligns with your personal goals. Just as much as you are being interviewed, you have the ability to “interview” the company, too. To further understand the company you can...

Familiarize yourself with the staff. 

One of the most important aspects of a company is the people who comprise it. Plus, you just might have a connection or common interest with the staff or the interviewer that could be a great talking point. In connecting with the employees you can...

Sell yourself.

The employer wants to know who you are and what you’ve done, but that is information they can find in your resumé. At the interview, offer more about what makes you unique and how that can help them. Share anecdotal information, learning experiences and leave them with something to remember. 

For more information on how to interview on Zoom, check out this article from Indeed: 

What are your tips and tricks for succeeding in an interview?

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About The Author:

Julia Sylvain is a spring 2021 intern with Diana Bassett Public Relations. Graduating in May 2022 from Hofstra University, she majors in public relations and dance and minors in French and integrated media studies. Sylvain is a member of the Honors College and is involved in many clubs and organizations on campus. She thanks DBPR for allowing her to gain firsthand experience and learn so much about the industry.


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